class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Setting up your PhD (or other research project!) as an R package ### Ella Kaye ### Birmingham R User Group, August 23rd 2018 --- # Why? - Keep all your data/code/analysis together and easily accessible - Reproducible - Easy to share (e.g. with supervisors, the world) - It's easier than you may think! --- # What I'm going to talk about - How to set up a (PhD) [package]( - Basic package structure - `devtools` and `usethis` - `bookdown` for authoring vignettes/reports - Setting up a personal package - What I've done for my PhD --- # What I'm not going to talk about\* \*but which you should definitely consider as part of a package workflow - git/GitHub - packrat - testthat --- # Setting up a package (demo) - Use the latest version of RStudio (1.1.456 or higher) - File > New Project > New Directory > R Package --- # [`devtools`]( and [`usethis`]( - `devtools` is a set of package development tools primarily written by Hadley Wickham to make it easy for Hadley Wickham to write packages - `usethis` automates many common package and analysis setup tasks (splits off from `devtools`) - `libary(devtools)` (first) - `library(usethis)` (second) --- # Data (demo) - `usethis::use_data_raw` - `usethis::use_data` - `devtools::load_all()` (Shift + Cmd + L) --- # [Document]( your data with `roxygen2` (demo) - data_documentation.R (in R folder) - Can now [use markdown]( Add the following to the DESCRIPTION: `Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)` - `devtools::document()` --- ## In data-raw folder - Data creations scripts - Raw data (though these don't have to be in the package) ## In R folder - Data import functions (for use in data creation scripts) - data_documentation.R for documenting your data - Analysis functions - Be sure to document these too! - Consider putting functions that aren't specific to this project into a personal package - pros and cons --- # Markdown - [Markdown]( - sections, lists, links, images - [Pandoc]( - adds footnotes, [citations](, tables - raw `\(\LaTeX\)` (including the ability to use `\(\LaTeX\)` packages) - makes it possible to generate HMTL, LaTeX/pdf, Word and slides - [R Markdown]( - Uses Pandoc markdown - adds code chunks --- # [`bookdown`]( A package by Yihui Xie that [extends]( R Markdown with features that actually make it feasible to write a statistics PhD. - Number and reference equations - Theorems and proofs - Special headers - (PART) - (APPENDIX) - Text references (show bookdown_examples.Rmd) `bookdown` can be used to bring a thesis together - Typically, each chapter is a separate .Rmd file - Switch between HTML and pdf Goodbye `\(\LaTeX\)`! --- # Analysis as [vignettes]( Keeps everything together. - `usethis::use_vignette()` - modify the .Rmd file - `devtools::build_vignettes()` - Install and Restart - `browseVignettes("package_name")` -- ## Downsides - .Rmd only knits to tmp file - Building vignettes can be time-consuming - Have to build all the vignettes together --- # Analysis as separate files - Make an 'analysis' folder (can use Terminal in RStudio) - `usethis::use_build_ignore("analysis")` - create .Rmd files and knit as usual --- # Personal packages - A great way to store functions that you write that you use across different projects - Show EMK.Rproj - []( - Share your package (tweet link to GitHub, blog about it etc) - if you find your functions useful, chances are someone else will too! - A blogpost on making a personal package: []( --- # A look at my `Admissions` package --- # Main links [R packages]( An (online) book on R packages by Hadley Wickham [R packages cheatsheet]( Also available within RStudio from Help > Cheatsheets [bookdown]( A `bookdown` generated book about `bookdown` by Yihui Xie [Happy git with R]( Superb bookdown book on git and GitHub for the useR. --- class: center, middle # Thank you! ## Any questions? ## I'd love to hear from you! []( [@ellamkaye]( []( [](